Wednesday, June 15, 2016

There and back, a den

Making their way to the Amber Temple, our intrepid heroes encounter even more werewolves, where do they all come from? As the mountain trail gets steeper and steeper the group comes a black wall of stonelined with spikes and toped with two demonic looking statues, Tsolenka Pass. As they approach the gatehouse the old iron portcullis wearily raises on its own leaving the way but blocked by a wall of green flame past the arched gateway. Kalista's dispel fails to remove the magical barrier and so it is deiced to climb the wall. As they embark on the climb the statues come to life, their feathery wings beating slowly bringing their four bird like claws toward the players. Jumping off the wall, the party engages the vrocks and dispatches them without assistance from their followers. After combat, and another failed dispel cast from Kalista, the party asks Sir Godfrey to dispel the green flame wall. Flame wall dispelled the party sets up camp in between the two portcullises.


After waking, the group meet the greatest mage there is , Froth and welcoms him to Barovia. They see a raven fly over and are greeted at the eastern gate by Davian Martikov. He warns them that the temple is a dangerous place and tells the party that the ravens cannot help them inside the temple. The party thanks him for his warning and watches as he turns into a raven and flies away. consulting the Icon of Ravenloft they decide against continuing toward the temple.

The adventurers made their way toward the abandoned tower on the lake to meet the carnival ringmaster, Rictavio, only to find out that all along he has been only masquerading as a ringmaster. Much to their surprise he is none other than the famed monster hunter, Rudolph van Richten. After peppering him with the usual questions the characters get advice on dealing vampires late into the night.

The next day the party goes off to track the werewolves that have been hunting them, quickly discovering that their lair is near! Trying to reason with the proves fruitless and an alarm is sounded and the scene dissolves into chaos. Quickly dispatching the two in front more come from each side of the split tunnel, Kalista nukes a group of 8 wolves with fireball and the others are taken down by the others, with Froth proving his claim to being a great mage. The cave is explored and there are children found in the back, Kiril, the pack's leader, makes children stolen from the local town fight to the death and the winner is bitten and changed into a werewolf. There is one winner among the children; he is taken to The Wizard of Wines to stay with the Martikovs, while the others are taken back to Vallaki.

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